
форма обратной связи с прикреплением фото

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Здравствуйте, обращаюсь к вам за помощью, может кто-то поможет решить трабл.

Нашел форму обратной связи с прикреплением фото ( http://www.php-s.ru/sendmail/phMailer/) установил все норм отправляется на почту с фотографиями, все поля приходят русской кириллицей,  но поле "описание" почему то на почту приходит кракозябрами, я так понимаю надо где то кодировку поменять, кому не сложно взгляните на код, может там решение в одной строчке.. 


Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на других сайтах


// This will show in the browsers title bar and at the top of the form.



// Allowed file types. Please remember to keep the format of this array, add the file extensions you want

// WITHOUT the dot. Please also be aware that certain file types (such as exe) may contain malware.

$allowtypes=array("zip", "rar", "txt", "doc", "jpg", "png", "gif", "odt", "xml");


// What's your email address? Seperate email addresses with commas for multiple email addresses.



// What priority should the script send the mail? 1 (Highest), 2 (High), 3 (Normal), 4 (Low), 5 (Lowest).



// Should we allow visitors to attach files? How Many? 0 = Do not allow attachments,

// 1 = allow only 1 file to be attached, 2 = allow two files etc.



// Maximum file size for attachments in KB NOT Bytes for simplicity. MAKE SURE your php.ini can handel it,

// post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, file_uploads, max_execution_time!

// 2048kb = 2MB,       1024kb = 1MB,     512kb = 1/2MB etc..



// Maximum file size for all attachments combined in KB. MAKE SURE your php.ini can handel it,

// post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, file_uploads, max_execution_time!

// 2048kb = 2MB,       1024kb = 1MB,     512kb = 1/2MB etc..



// Value for the Submit Button

$submitvalue=" Send Email "


// Value for the Reset Button

$resetvalue=" Reset Form ";


// Default subject? This will be sent if the user does not type in a subject

$defaultsubject="No Subject"


// Because many requested it, this feature will add a drop down box for the user to select a array of

// subjects that you specify below. 

// True = Use this feature, False = do not use this feature



// This is an array of the email subjects the user can pick from. Make sure you keep the format of

// this array or you will get errors.

// Look at < for examples on how to use this feature.

$subjects=array("Department 1", "Department 2", "Department 3");


// This is an array of the email addresses for the array above. There must be an email FOR EACH

// array value specified above. You can have only 1 department if you want.

// YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME AMMOUNT OF $subjects and $emails or this WILL NOT work correctly!

// The emails also must be in order for what you specify above!

// Seperate email addresses by a comma to send an email to multiple addresses.

$emails=array("dept_1@domain.com", "dept_2@domain.com", "dept_3@domain.com");


// This is the message that is sent after the email has been sent. You can use html here.

// If you want to redirect users to another page on your website use this:

// <script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location=\"";</script>

$thanksmessage="Спасибо! Ваше письмо успешно отправленно.";






: Don't edit below this line.



// Function to get the extension of the uploaded file.

function get_ext($key) { 

$key=strtolower(substr(strrchr($key, "."), 1));

$key=str_replace("jpeg", "jpg", $key);

return $key;



// Function used to attach files to the message

function phattach($file, $name, $boundary) {


$fp=fopen($file, "r");

$str=fread($fp, filesize($file));



$message.="Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"".$name."\"\n";

$message.="Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$name."\"\n"

$message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";





return $message;



//Little bit of security from people forging headers. People are mean sometimes :(

function clean_msg($key) {

$key=str_replace("\r", "", $key);

$key=str_replace("\n", "", $key);








  $key=preg_replace($find, "", $key);

  return $key;



// Initilize some variables




// When the form is submitted

If($_POST['submit']==true) {

extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);


// Check the form for errors

If(trim($yourname)=="") { 

$error.="You did not enter your name!<br />";



If(trim($youremail)=="") { 

$error.="You did not enter your email!<br />";

} Elseif(!preg_match("/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$/", $youremail)) {

$error.="Invalid email address.<br />";



If(trim($emailsubject)=="") {




If(trim($yourmessage)=="") { 

$error.="You did not enter a message!<br />";



// Verify Attchment info

If($allowattach > 0) {


// Get the total size of all uploaded files

If((array_sum($_FILES['attachment']['size'])) > ($max_file_total*1024)) {


$error.="The max size allowed for all your files is ".$max_file_total."kb<br />";


} Else {


//Loop through each of the files

For($i=0; $i <= $allowattach-1; $i++) {


If($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]) {


//Check if the file type uploaded is a valid file type. 

If(!in_array(get_ext($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]), $allowtypes)) {


$error.= "Invalid file type for your file: ".$_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]."<br />";


//Check the size of each file

} Elseif(($_FILES['attachment']['size'][$i]) > ($max_file_size*1024)) {


$error.= "Your file: ".$_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]." is to big.<br />";


} // If in_array


} // If Files


} // For


} // Else array_sum($_FILES['attachment']['size'])


} // If Allowattach


If($error) {




} Else {


If($use_subject_drop AND is_array($subjects) AND is_array($emails)) {




If($subject_count==$email_count) {





} // If $subject_count


} // If $use_subject_drop





$headers="Return-Path: <".clean_msg($youremail).">\n";

$headers.="From: ".clean_msg($yourname)." <".clean_msg($youremail).">\n";

$headers.="X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\n";

$headers.="X-Sender: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n";

$headers.="X-Priority: ".$priority."\n"

$headers.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n";

$headers.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$boundary."\"\n";

$headers.="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n";



$message = "--".$boundary."\n";

$message.="Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";

$message.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n";





//Add attachments to message

If($allowattach > 0) {


For($i=0; $i <= $allowattach-1; $i++) {


If($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$i]) {


$message.=phattach($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i], $boundary);


} //If $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$i]


} //For


} // If


// End the message



// Send the completed message

If(!mail($myemail, clean_msg($emailsubject), $message, $headers)) {


Exit("An error has occured, please report this to the website administrator.\n");


} Else {






} // Else


} // $_POST




* Start the form layout


:- Use the html below to customize the form.



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<title><?php echo $websitename; ?> - Powered By phMailer</title>


<style type="text/css">



font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 12pt;

color: #000000;




font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 11pt;

color: #FF0000;




font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 11pt;

color: #000000;





color: #000000;




color: #000000;




color: #000000;



.table {


border:1px solid #000000;





border:1px solid #070707;


font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 11pt;


color: #FFFFFF;






border:1px solid #070707;


font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 8pt;

color: #000000;






border:1px solid #070707;


font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 10pt;

color: #000000;





border:1px solid #070707;






input,select,textarea {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 10pt;

color: #000000;


border:1px solid #000000;



.copyright {


font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 9pt;

color: #000000;










<script type="text/javascript">

var error="";

e_regex = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$/;


function Checkit(theform) {

if(theform.yourname.value=="") {

error+="You did not enter your name\n";



if(theform.youremail.value=="") {

error+="You did not enter your email\n";

} else if(!e_regex.test(theform.youremail.value)) {

error+="Invalid email address\n";



if(theform.yourmessage.value=="") {

error+="You did not enter your message\n";



if(error) {

alert('**The form returned the following errors:**\n\n' + error);


return false;

} else {

return true;







<?If($display_message) {?>


<div align="center" class="error_message"><b><?=$display_message;?></b></div>

<br />




<?If($sent_mail!=true) {?>


<form method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="phmailer" onsubmit="return Checkit(this);">

<table align="center" class="table">


<td colspan="2" class="table_header" width="100%"><?=$websitename;?></td>


<?If($allowattach > 0) {?>


<td width="100%" class="attach_info" colspan="2">

<b>Допустимые типы вложений:</b> <?=implode($allowtypes, ", ");?><br />

<b>Максимальный размер каждого файла:</b> <?=$max_file_size?>kb.<br />

<b>Максимальный размер файла:</b> <?=$max_file_total?>kb.






<td width="30%" class="table_body">Ваше имя</td>

<td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="yourname" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($yourname));?>" /><span class="error_message">*</span></td>



<td width="30%" class="table_body">Ваш Email:</td>

<td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="youremail" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($youremail));?>" /><span class="error_message">*</span></td>



<td width="30%" class="table_body">Что хотите сдать в аренду:</td>

<td width="70%" class="table_body">


<?If($use_subject_drop AND is_array($subjects)) {?>

<select name="emailsubject" size="1">

<?while(list($key,$val)=each($subjects)) {?>


<option value="<?=intval($key);?>"><?=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val));?></option>






<?} Else {?>


<input name="emailsubject" type="text" size="30" value="<?=stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($emailsubject));?>" />







<?For($i=1;$i <= $allowattach; $i++) {?>


<td width="30%" class="table_body">Прикрепите фото:</td>

<td width="70%" class="table_body"><input name="attachment[]" type="file" size="30" /></td>






<td colspan="2" width="100%" class="table_footer">

<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="true" />

<input type="submit" value="<?=$submitvalue;?>" />  

<input type="reset" value="<?=$resetvalue;?>" />






<?} Else {?>


<div align="center" class="thanks_message"><?=$thanksmessage;?></div>

<br />

<br />



//Please leave this here.. It's very small and non-obtrusive. ?>

<table class="table" style="border:0px;" align="center">


<td><div class="copyright">©<a href="http://www.phphq.net/?script=phMailer" target="_blank" title="Powered By phMailer 1.5.1 <www.phphq.net>">phMailer</a></div></td>





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